Week 8 (Aug 23 to Aug 30)
I know people say that "all good things must come to an end," but that doesn't mean that i have to be happy about it. As I write this (for the second time because my piece of shit iPad just froze and deleted an hour of typing), I am somewhere over the pacific, about 4 hours away from Vancouver. As this was out last week in Perth, we all made a pact that we would go out every night. That started monday with a "chili mussel challenge". Emma had seen a sign at a pub in Freo during our first week that offered a free pint to anyone who could eat their largest spiciest bowl of mussels. From then on she was determined to do it. Unfortunately it ended last week, so we were forced to create our own challenge. Sarah found a place in Northbridge that served good chili mussels and the challenge was basically to eat as many as you could as spicy as you could. Emma and i did large and hot, but Sarah and our friend Kristen did extra large, extra spicy. I wasn't eve...