Japan part 3
Hello Again Firstly, I want to say that I am glad to see that people are reading this blog. The page viewer on my blog showed 74 views in the 24 hours after I made the last post. Surely, my parents didn't read it more than 5 times, which still leaves 69 views.....maybe I have a stalker. Anyway, I thought I would write one more post from Japan before I leave this evening. We spent 4 nights in Kyoto after Takayama. As I mentioned before, I was quite surprised at how different the city is to Tokyo. It's much more laid back and as a result, seems like a more fun city. You see more people in unusual and interesting outfits and far less traditional practices. I spoke about the nice neat queues in Tokyo..... It's much more of a free for all in Kyoto. Kyoto is known for it's temples, and I can understand why. There seems to be thousands of them. Everywhere you look is another temple. We visited a few, but we are not really temple p...