Books, women and stuff
I have been reading a lot lately; mostly just because I'm bored with things in general and reading seems like a good alternative to watching TV. Also, I have to take the loser cruiser to work (because my salary does not justify driving and parking a car), so I have taken to reading on the bus. I wanted to make a list of some of the good books that I have read lately; so that I can remember them. These are my top five from the last few months (in no particular order)
1. Water for elephants - Sara Gruen
2. Finding Nouf - Zoe Ferraris
3. A woman in Berlin - Anonymous
4. City of Thieves - David Benioff
5. The help - Kathryn Stockett
Now, I'm not really a feminist, but when reading "Finding Nouf" (which takes place in Saudi Arabia and touches on some of the limitations faced by the women there) I got curious about what some of the restrictions they face are. After a few google searches I discovered that women are not allowed to drive, vote, testify in court, etc. Now, these facts in themselves didn't surprise me (because I knew that women in Saudi are very oppressed) however, the reasons why women dont' have these basic rights are what shocked me.
I assumed that women would not be able to drive, because they cannot be trusted to operate a car safely; however it seems thats not the reason. Women cannot drive because:
- Driving a car involves uncovering the face which is considered obligatory for women to cover in Saudi
Driving a car may lead women to go out of house more often thereby not having time for their daily duties (allah forbid!)
- Driving a car may lead women to have interaction with non-mahram males, i.e., they can be stopped by policemen at the scenes of traffic infractions
- Women driving cars may lead to overcrowding the streets and many young men may be deprived of the opportunity to drive
Women also can't testify in court for ridiculous reasons:
- Women are much more emotional than men and will, as a result of their emotions, distort their testimony.
- Women do not participate in public life, so they will not be capable of understanding what they observe
- Women are dominated completely by men, who by the grace of God are deemed superior; therefore, women will give testimony according to what the last man told them
- Women are forgetful, and their testimony cannot be considered reliable.
Awesome. Unfortunately since I would probably be killed, or lashed publicly, for drinking, socializing with males or not wearing my hijab I will probably never get to visit Saudi Arabia; but I sure would find it interesting to go there. For now, I guess Ill just have to settle with reading about it.
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