Australian Terms and Differences

Now that I have been here a few months, I thought I would put together a list of some of the terms and expressions that are very commonly used in Australia, but not at home. There are lots of different slang words that I’ve come across, but the ones listed below are the ones commonly used in everyday conversation. I find myself using some of these expressions more and more. When I do, I feel like a bit of an imposter, but it’s not intentional. When you hear everyone saying the same things all the time, you can’t help but pick it up. Also thought I would share a few “cultural” differences; things that I wouldn’t even think twice about at home, but that are different here. Terms and Expressions 1. “Flick” – As in: to flick an email (instead of “send an email” or “forward an email”). For example: “I’ll flick you the email I got yesterday,” or, “Can you flick me those instructions?” 2. “Mate” – Before I moved here, I thought this was just an Australian stereotype (like the way...