South America Part V: The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu

Hola! This may or may not be my last post for the trip. Depends on how eventful my last few days are and how much time I have to kill at the airport before my flight home. When I last left off I was awaiting my tour group with whom I'd be spending the next 7 days (in fairly close quarters). I've done a few organised tours in the past so I know from experience that you can get some real weirdos. It seems that there is always at least one (see post from my trip to Borneo 3 years ago as an example ). But I was very lucky on this trip and had a really really great group. We needed a team name but no one really had any good suggestions and we unenthusiastically came up with the stupid name "Machu Lovers", which stuck. We flew to Cusco on Thursday, which is in the centre of Peru and is the closest reasonably sized city to Machu Picchu. We spent a day there and a day in a smaller town (called Ollantaytamb...