India - Part 4

Hello Everyone Firstly, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. It's nice hearing from home when I'm so far away from everyone and everything. So, since I last wrote, we've spent 5 days traveling around Rajasthan. On Saturday we drove about 5 hours to Jodhpur aka "the blue city". Many of the buildings in the city are painted a periwinkle blue colour, which gives a very pretty effect when looking over the city. Apparently the blue colour helps keep the buildings cool and the bugs out. I don't know if I buy that - if it were true, I would think there would be more blue cities out there. But it looks nice at least. When we arrived we went to....take a guess.....another fort! I wasn't super excited, however I ended up really enjoying it and it's my favourite one so far. There was an audio tour with it, which was spoken by someone with a British accent (so it was understandable) and was quite well done. The palace within the fort was in use until ...