Borneo - Part 3

Hello again I'm going to try to fit my entire second week into this post, so as to not bore everyone too much. I feel like I have written a fair bit on this trip, but everything has just been so interesting. After the mountain we spent 2 nights in an Eco-lodge close to Poring hotsprings. With the exception of a cockroach the size of my hand which I had to kill the first night, the place was ok. While there we went to poring hotsprings, which is a bit of a misleading name. I suppose there were hotsprings there at one time, but now it's just bathtubs which you can soak in and one small roped off section of natural hot springs. While most of us did take a hot bath to soak our aching muscles, the more interesting part was the activities around the baths and pools (which were overridden with children who are on school holiday). There was a nice canopy walk, as well as a waterfall where thousands of tiny little fish gave us all a free fish pedicure. The highlight of the day ...