Sydney: Oct 11 - Oct 17, 2011
So my first week in Sydney is now over. Tues-Thurs was fairly uneventful. We spent the week in “induction” (aka training) re-learning how to do basic things like send emails and use our computers. It was pretty boring, but I can’t complain about a slack week. On Tuesday night, a few of us new starters and one of my friends went for drinks after work. There are a few people in my starting group that I get on with quiet well, so that’s good. Wednesday night I spent house hunting – I think I saw 5 places in about 2 hours. The housing market is really tough. Some of the places I’ve looked at absolute dives; I’m talking stained carpets, dirty walls, tiny kitchens, etc. The biggest issue with most of the places is the size; the bedrooms in some are the size of a bed. In others, the kitchen is literally a stove and a sink. Some don’t have closets, some don’t have dishwashers, and some say “internal laundry” when they actually mean “there is a place to hook up your own washing mac...